Jest da je danas sve u znaku nogometa, ali i ovim mladićima treba itekako čestitati.
Sport: Aeromodelling - F3K - Hand Launch Gliders
Title: 2018 FAI F3K European Championship for Model Gliders
Type: Continental
Date: 08.07 - 14.07.2018
Location: Martin, Slovakia
Final Results:
F3K - Seniors
1st: Anthony Rotteleur FRA
2nd: Arijan Hucaljuk CRO
3rd: Ondřej Rezler CZE
F3K - Juniors
1st: Loris Blizkenstdorfer SUI
2nd: Moriz Urwyler SUI
3rd: Marko Damjanović CRO
F3K - Team Senior
1st: Czech Republic
2nd: France
3rd: Germany
F3K - Team Junior
1st: Croatia
2nd: Poland
3rd: Germany
The full results can be found at the following address :
FAI congratulates the Winners and thanks the Organisers of the Championship.