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Topics - robi1kenobi

F3J / F3K / FF / Programiranje Futabe 8FG za F3K modele
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Evo C/P:

My program for the 8FG is attached below. I have zeroed out all the trim settings but left the subtrims and trim-mix settings. Before I ever used the transmitter I opened the back and desoldered the two 2 position switches and swapped them for each other. This put the momentary switch over on the top left back position where it needs to be for a right hand thrower. Some people aren't comfortable doing this and just use an elastic band to return that switch (Switch SF) to the off position when released. Either way works.

I use all 5 flight modes available (although Futaba calls them "Conditions"). These conditions have preconfigured names that you can't change. These names mean nothing and might be confusing to some, but there's not a whole lot I can do about that. My modes:

Launch Preset: This mode has the highest priority of all modes which means the plane will go into launch preset regardless of what the previous mode was. Switch SF pulled towards the front of the transmitter activates this mode. The model should have a slight bit of camber in the wing (set up in the trim mix menu... more below) and the elevator trimmed to pitch the plane vertical after release from your hand. Some people set launch preset up in a program mix but then have to go into the menus any time they need to tweak the elevator. Using it as a flight mode means you can just adjust the elevator trim on the front of the TX to change the plane response! This condition is called START in the radio.

Launch: This mode has 2nd priority which makes in easy when coming in for a landing and quick turn around. The Wing is in reflex and the elevator is trimmed for straight line flight. You can quickly trim in a new plane by just throwing without launch preset and keep adjusting the elevator trim until the plane flies straight as and arrow. This mode has the second highest priority (only below Launch Preset) and is active when switch SE is pushed in the down position. This condition is called SPEED in the radio.

The next three modes are all what I call "flying" modes and are used when actually up floating around looking for lift, circling in lift or running from sink. They are all controlled from switch SA which is a 3 position switch.

Thermal/Float: This mode is active when switch SA in in the down position. This is the mode I spend most of my flight time in. The wing is set with some camber and the elevator is trimmed for minimum sink rate. The wing camber is fully adjustable by sliding the left slider (there is also elevator compensation built into the variable camber). This condition is called DISTANCE in the radio.

Cruise/Run: This mode is active when switch SA is in the middle position. This is the mode I use to move around the sky quickly but still efficiently. If I need to get back to the field from down low or if I'm chasing a known thermal far off the field. The wing has no camber and the elevator is trimmed for best L/D. I don't have camber adjustment in this mode (but you could if you wanted...). This condition is called NORMAL in the radio.

SPEED/Run Faster: This mode is active when switch SA is in the up position. This mode is very similar to my Launch mode but with a bit more up elevator so the plane will gently recover from a shallow dive. The wing has reflex. I use this mode to really move out of bad air if I have enough elevation. I sometimes just go into launch mode to run even faster. This condition is called LANDING in the radio.

Other Features: Switch SC is programed to operate an OpenAltimeter when plugged into channel 5 using all three switch positions. There are two clocks on the screen. Switch SH is used to countdown from 10:05 and automatically resets itself when switched off. I use this switch at contests and flip the switch when the countdown reaches 5. There is also a count up clock that is triggered when you release your launch preset which gives you your flight time (or the time since you last released the launch preset switch).

As an example of how my switching works for a quick turnaround: The momentary switch, SF, is in the down position (off) and Launch switch, SE, is in either the middle or up position (off) and I'm crusing over to where I think a thermal will be (switch SA is in the middle position). I find lift and flip switch SA in the down position (thermal) and circle in the lift. With 20 seconds left in the flight I'll flip into Launch mode by flipping switch SE down. I bring the plane down, catch it and while in the turn I just grip switch SF by pulling it up. Release the plane and then quickly release switch SF by just letting go. When the plane peaks I just push switch SE up (or middle) with my left index finger and now I'm in the same mode I was in just before I left that last thermal and I'll again use the three different positions of switch SE to fly around with.

Menus and what to tweak.


Frequency: you may need to change this depending on which RX you're using.

Function: This is where you assign switches and controls. So you can change the OA switch or RX channel here and move the camber adjust from the left switch over to the right switch or even the dials.

Sub-trim/Reverse/Fail Safe/End Point: These menus should be pretty familar to most people. You're going to have to go into these first thing and make sure your servos are moving in the right direction at the correct rates and endpoints. I do this with the flight mode switch in Cruise/Run which is "NORMAL Condition".

T1-T4 Set: This is where you set the trim steps (4 is default but 1 is nice for elevator trim) and determine if the trim will propagate through all flight modes (COMB.) or be flight mode specific (SEPAR). I have everything separate other than rudder and just keep it combined because I want it centered in every flight mode and if it's a bit off on flight day (due to thermal expansion or whatever) I just adjust it in whatever flight mode I happen to be in and it centers it in all modes.


CONDITION: This is where you set up which switches activate your different flight modes and set up priority. If you are used to having you flight mode switches in different locations this is where you would change that.

Ail Diff: This is where you would adjust your aileron differential. Once in this sub menu you can flip your switches between flight modes to see how I have differential set up in each mode. Adjust to suit or set all to 100% for no differential.

Ail->Rud: This is where you can adjust the aileron to rudder mix for each flight mode separately.

Camber Mix: This is where you set up the variable camber used on the slider switch. Flip to thermal mode and go into AIL and ELE to fine tune the amount of camber adjustment and elevator compensation. It takes quite a few flights to get the elevator compensation right but you should be able to eyeball it and get close once you have butterfly set up properly. If you want camber mix in other flight modes this is where you could add it.

ELE->Camber: This is where you adjust you "snap flaps". So for down elevator input you get a bit of reflex in the wing and for up elevator input you get a bit of camber. I like this mix, but if you don't it can be defeated in this menu by setting everything to zero for each flight mode.

Butterfly: This is where you set up flaps and elevator compensation. The radio uses a two point curve for elevator compensation which imo is just fine. Once you have everything set you need to copy those numbers into each mode if you want butterfly to work in every mode. Kind of a pain in the butt I know, but I don't know any other way to do it.

Trim Mix: This is the first menu you should go to right after the Sub-Trim/Reverse/Endpoints are set. In this menu you flip into each mode and set your wing camber. I don't set any elevator trim in any of these modes. I rely on the separate elevator trim. I have a slight delay programmed into my modes so when switching into either Thermal/Float, Cruise/Run or Speed/Run Faster the wing camber changes slowly to the new setting. This is found on the second page in the trim mix under Cond.Delay. There is no delay when switching into Launch or Launch Preset as I want that to be as instantaneous as possible.
Elektronika i baterije / Tražim uslugu lemljenja
Znam sam lemiti, ali tražim profesionalca (znači isključivo nekoga tko točno zna što radi i ima dobru opremu za čišćenje lemova i lemljenje) da mi prelemi 2 switcha na stanici. Znači potrebno je zamjeniti mjesta switchevima (s lijeve na desnu stranu i obrnuto, oba su 2-position, samo jedan ima feder drugi ne) i netko tko može garantirat da neće niš sje* na stanici :)
Ponude s cijenom PM ili tu
Jedrilice / Edukacijski videi i članci o jedrenju
Evo našao jedan interesantan video, pogledao jučer na pola (zaspao sam :) ) i u toj prvoj polovici je većinom Joe Wurts govorio kako se stvara termika, kako ju prepoznati i pronaći, koji su indikatori itd.
Ako imate nešto linkajte molio bih :)

Joe Wurts on soaring
Helikopteri / Maracov Outrage Fusion 50
Evo maiden Maracovog Fusiona, setup je u opisu na YT, budući da je prvi let samo sam ga malo sportski prođiro i nisam previše divljao, ali ide ovo ko kuga, jedva čekam da ga probam kak se spada :) Ovo je heli podešen bez pitch gauge-a, bez swash leveling toola, bez drkanja po advanced menijima, flight mode 4 na Futabi, bez pretjeranog masturbiranja i kemijanja i leti - po meni savršeno. Ne treba ništa dirat, ali budući da na 85% aileron i elevator gaina niš ne oscilira (rep je malo zaoscilirao, pa smo spustili gain) ide to još više.
Na zadnjem dijelu videa je Marac malo tvrđe sletio i sje*o umbrella gear i zadnje sablje, niš strašno.
Jedva čekam da dopeljam jednog Fusiona u svoju "štalu" :)

Video je sniman na 1080 50p, a budući da YT to ne žvače, malo je šugavo ispalo, ali to je problem YouTubea

EDIT: link promjenjen na HD
MultiRotor / Moja hexa
Evo nakon 2 neprospavane noći, hexa je gotova i nisam zadovoljan izvedbom (estetski, previše žica, ali nema veze, ak leti dobro ja zadovoljan)

Setup se vidi na slikama, sutra nadam se proba

AUW 3432g sa Zippy 5800 i Nex-5N
4000g ravno s 2×Zippy 5800 i Nex-5N







Gimbal radi poprilično OK na Nazinim outputima (Nazina voltaža, negdje oko 5V ne da mi se sad gledat koliko je točno) i na 200Hz. Gledam na RCG da ekipa tera na 400Hz, a po specifikacijama su servači 333Hz. Vjerojatno im niš ne bi bilo, ali ne želim riskirat, iako sam siguran da bi radilo i bolje nego sad. Video mi se ne da uploadat jer sam crknut.
LED-ice su Turnigy i po specifikacijama rade na 12V, ja sam spojio direkt 4s i svjetle ko Betlehem
Odo spavat, sutra pripremamo pistu za meeting
Događanja i okupljanja / Modelarski meeting, Prelog (Međimurje) 09.09.2012. (nedjelja)
MAK Zapad u suradnji sa zmajarskim klubom Rode Prelog organizira meeting na letjelištu ZK Rode 09.09.2012.
Pozvani su svi modelarski klubovi, modelari pojedinci i gledatelji na ugodno druženje, klopanje, popratne sadržaje i ono najbitnije - letenje.

Za sve modelare koji će letjeti osigurali smo hranu i cugu, za ostale će biti jako niske cijene (čisto da pokrijemo troškove)

Cijeli meeting je osmišljen kao fun fly, u opuštenoj atmosferi ali atraktivan za letače i gledatelje.

Organizirali smo šlepu (SkyDog) koji će šlepati jedrilice. Ukoliko se skupi dovoljno helikopteraša i pilota s 3D (i pattern) avionima, održati ćemo malo natjecanje u freestyle-u.

Sve to će snimati multirotor iz zraka.

Oni malo željniji adrenalina će moći letjeti na zmajevima ili ultralakim avionima (panoramski let iznad grada Preloga) s iskusnim pilotima zmajarskog kluba Rode.

Za one malo mirnijeg duha organizirali smo vožnje čamcem po jezeru Dubrava, pokraj kojeg se nalazi letjelište. Ribiči (s dozvolom naravno :) ) slobodno ponesu opremu za pecanje

Web stranica MAK-a Zapad je u izradi, a posjetiti nas možete na
Web stranica ZK Rode Prelog

Kako doći do letjelišta iz Zagreba:

Otprilike sat i 15 min vožnje od Zagreba do Preloga

Molim sve sudionike (pilote) da se jave na ili 097 7677 577 da vam pošaljem prijavnicu. Isto tako za sve informacije me možete nazvati na taj broj ili poslati PM na forumu.

Ima još detalja koje ćemo objaviti ovih dana


Mario 098 331 225
Bojan 098 9687 288
Robi 097 7677 577
Helikopteri / Oboren svjetski rekord u trajanju duljine "leta" RC helija
Evo thread na helifreaku, pratim dečke od početka:

1 sat 46 minuta i 22 sekunde

WR Part1 Start

WR Part2 Past1h17m17s

WR Part3 Rain And Landing


AUW 700g
Ikarus EKO8 frame (modificiran očito)
550 drvene sablje bez zaštitnog filma (mislim na onu plastiku)
3s 25 000 mAh baterije
oko 1000-1100 RPM governed headspeed
SG90 servači
smanjen gear ratio na repu, zbog uštede energije (kažu da je rep jedva držao)

550ka s baterijom ima nešto iznad 2kg, oni su uspjeli napravit 550 700g AUW i zato je bilo moguće (između ostalog) hoverat tako dugo

Ostalo možete pročitat na threadu

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Evo napokon počeo i ja kuburit skupa svoju hexu
Danas sam zalemio ESC-e, BEC i EC5 za napajanje i stavio ruke, motori plaćeni već davno i nikak da stignu (eBay). Za početak ide gore MWC Lite i prvo ću par letova odradit bez gimbala ak ga baš stulim da ne strgam sve  :D

Evo 2 fotkice za početak, ostatak kad stignu motori



Crvene ruke će mi bit "rep" jer sam tak navikao. Prvom prilikom gore ide Naza, kasnije i GPS. Detalje o gimbalu napišem kad ga montiram i testiram
Online trgovine / Shop za ležajeve
Evo malo čačkam po interwebsima pa sam naletio na zgodan shop za ležajeve
Dostavljaju u Kroaciju i sve narudžbe za 20$ il više imaju free shipping.
Ak netko naruči nešto neka javi iskustva. Imaju i jeftine threadlockere