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Topics - novizagi

Birtija / pitanje za elektroničare
Da li netko ima iskustva sa "pečenjem" grafičkih kartica

riknula mi je kartica u laptopu, 3D vise ne radi, a na desktopu su šarene crte,

 Pošto se može izvaditi van iz laptopa, pokušao bi sa tom "tehnikom"

Na netu ima x tutoriala, mozda netko ima iskustva ili drugi prijedlog?
Ostalo / T: tokar

traži se tokar, koji bi složio jedan "čep" sa navojem prema uzorku

materijal plastika ili neki aluminij

promjer ca 6 cm i dužina ca 5 cm

ili ako imate nekog za preporučiti u Zagrebu

Brodovi / rc boat meet - zainteresirani?
3.5.  ili 10.5. , naravno ovisno o vremenu

lokacija - jezera na kanalu, pored preljevnice

u onom najsjevernijem ima najmanje trave

vrijeme 10-12 h

plan i program, nepostojeći :)

prijedlog, utrka oko dvije platične boce koje glume plutače :)


Elektronika i baterije / baterije storage mode - 2 godine kasnije
spletom okolnosti 2 baterije su odležale 2 god bez punjenja

turnigy 3s 2650 30-40C

stare ca 4 god

malo napuhnute su bile i prije, prevedeno dosta ciklusa

ostavljene su u storage modu 2 godine

jučer sam ih stavio ponovno na storage mode na punjač

bile su na nešo niže od 11.4

napunio je u jendu 40 mah, a u dugu ca 60mah

i to je bilo to

danas sam stavio jednu puniti, napunjeno 1156maha
ćelije 4,19 4,19 4,18

bile su na suhom uskladištene, a temperatura, manje više kao i da su vani ostavljene, od -10 do 35 stupnjeva C

nisam neki frik za mjerenje baterija i sl.,  tako da ovo u principu ništa posebno ne znači, osim da možete baterije ostaviti 2 god na miru na storage mode-u i manje više će biti OK :)

Elektronika i baterije / vijesti iz povijesti - Hedy Lamarr - Frequency-hopping spread-spectrum

Između snimanja filmova i preko nekoliko brakova, gospođa je imala vremena učiniti nešto što će danas avio modelarska populacija znati cijeniti  :)

Although better known for her Silver Screen exploits, Austrian actress Hedy Lamarr (born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler) also became a pioneer in the field of wireless communications following her emigration to the United States. The international beauty icon, along with co-inventor George Anthiel, developed a "Secret Communications System" to help combat the Nazis in World War II. By manipulating radio frequencies at irregular intervals between transmission and reception, the invention formed an unbreakable code to prevent classified messages from being intercepted by enemy personnel.

Lamarr and Anthiel received a patent in 1941, but the enormous significance of their invention was not realized until decades later. It was first implemented on naval ships during the Cuban Missile Crisis and subsequently emerged in numerous military applications. But most importantly, the "spread spectrum" technology that Lamarr helped to invent would galvanize the digital communications boom, forming the technical backbone that makes cellular phones, fax machines and other wireless operations possible.

As is the case with many of the famous women inventors, Lamarr received very little recognition of her innovative talent at the time, but recently she has been showered with praise for her groundbreaking invention. In 1997, she and George Anthiel were honored with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Pioneer Award. And later in the same year, Lamarr became the first female recipient of the BULBIE™ Gnass Spirit of Achievement Award, a prestigious lifetime accomplishment prize for inventors that is dubbed "The Oscar™ of Inventing."

Proving she was much more than just another pretty face, Lamarr shattered stereotypes and earned a place among the 20th century's most important women inventors. She truly was a visionary whose technological acumen was far ahead of its time.