Ja sam pak pročitao na nekoliko mjesta da je drvo bolje jer upija vibracije ??
evo nekoliko citata:
"From a vibration dampening perspective, aluminium is one of the worst materials you can use.
Just take an aluminium tube and hit it, the thing will sing like a bell. Can't make a carbon fibre tube do that. Wood is even better than carbon fibre in terms of damping.
The main problem people have with composites breaking is that they use cheap material. A 0.50$ tube off hobbyking is going to have different mechanical properties than a 50$ tube from a real source.
My honest 2c is that wood is a better material than aluminium and comparable to carbon fiber in some circumstances.
Check this tricopter out:
http://rcexplorer.se/FPVvideos/FPVvideos.htmlVery few builds achieve that kind of stability.
"I have to agree completely with this post, I have been down the carbon,aluminum tube, (round and square) route and both are way heavier when you start adding mounting hardware and plates. They also transmit way more vibes. I have now retired those frames and fly wood only. I rip down clear cedar, light, very strong, and inexpensive. Oh...it smells pretty good when you cut it too
here is one of my three wood quads..."