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Topic: Gdje nabavljate kevlar? (Read 12111 times) previous topic - next topic

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Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Molia bi kolege ako mogu da mi olakšaju  :)

I never crash, I simply have a trick where I use impact with the ground to revert my model back into kit form

Odg: Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Reply #1
Kevlar ili karbon? Platno ili gotove ploce?
(I mene ce zanimati gotove ploce 1.5~2mm i 5mm debljine od karbona)

Odg: Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Reply #2
Kompozit kemija d.o.o.
Imate na webu,imaju svašta,ja kupovao.
Spektrum DX8
Predator 650,Robocat 270,Dji Mavic air,Omei2000EP,Flamingo,Cyclone-E,Curare 40,Nemesis 60,MPX funracer,Mustang,WotXL,Meridian

Odg: Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Reply #3
Kevlar,platno,neke manje gramaže
I never crash, I simply have a trick where I use impact with the ground to revert my model back into kit form

Odg: Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Reply #4
Hvala krasny iden ćirnit
I never crash, I simply have a trick where I use impact with the ground to revert my model back into kit form

Odg: Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Reply #5
Spektrum DX8
Predator 650,Robocat 270,Dji Mavic air,Omei2000EP,Flamingo,Cyclone-E,Curare 40,Nemesis 60,MPX funracer,Mustang,WotXL,Meridian

Odg: Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Reply #6
Evo bas in posla mail,imaju stvarno svasta
I never crash, I simply have a trick where I use impact with the ground to revert my model back into kit form

Odg: Gdje nabavljate kevlar?

Reply #7
Spektrum DX8
Predator 650,Robocat 270,Dji Mavic air,Omei2000EP,Flamingo,Cyclone-E,Curare 40,Nemesis 60,MPX funracer,Mustang,WotXL,Meridian