kod nas se vjetar smirio, a i stalo je padati. danas je toliko puhalo da je sav snijeg otisao sa krovova i auta, a na jednom dijelu uz zgradu uopce nema snijega, vidi se asfalt, sve je vjetar odpuhao... stari mi zivi na krku, kaze da je sve od soli, auto, grilje, prozori... bura donesla.
da se vratim na temu
nije taj pun gas bezveze naveden. ljudi grijese kada uhodavaju motor na malom gasu jer se ovako motor bolje ugrije, prosiri se pa se sporije trose klip i cilindar prilikom razradjivanja i idealnije se razrade.
svaki manual koji sam vidio spominje puni gas no ako je tebi i ovako dobro samo nastavi i sretno. drago mi je da konacno ima rasprava o nitru pa je steta da ne pisem o tome jer je to rijetkost na ovom forumu
evo sto kaze manual od tog motora tj. od magnuma, ali to je isti motor:
q 1) Turn the high speed needle valve out 2-1/2 turns from the fully
closed position.
q 2) If you are using an electric starter to start the engine, follow the
procedure in the previous section. If you are starting the engine by hand,
follow that procedure in the previous section.
q 3) Open the throttle barrel to approximately 1/4 throttle. Connect the
power to the glow plug. Start the engine using an electric starter or by hand.
If starting by hand you will need to vigorously flip the propeller through the
compression stroke several times before the engine will start.
q 4) Once the engine starts, open the throttle barrel to about 1/2 throttle.
You may need to lean the high speed needle valve in about 1/4 turn to keep
the engine running at half throttle.
q 5) After the engine has been running about 1 minute, remove the power
from the glow plug and slowly advance the throttle barrel to full throttle.
Adjust the high speed needle valve so that the engine is running very rich.
You should notice excessive white smoke coming from the exhaust. Let the
engine run for approximately 10 minutes then stop the engine.
q 6) Let the engine cool for approximately 10 minutes then restart it. Set
the high speed needle valve mixture to a slightly leaner setting, about 1/4
turn more in. Let the engine run for about 5 minutes at this setting, then stop
the engine and let it cool for approximately 10 minutes.
q 7) Repeat the procedure in step # 6, while leaning the needle valve slightly
more each time. In all, you should run the engine about a total of 45 minutes
of actual running time. After 45 minutes of run time the engine is ready for
flight. Fly the airplane with the engine set as rich as possible, but with
adequate power to fly the airplane. After each flight, lean the mixture slightly.
Continue to do this for about 5 flights. At this point the engine should hold a
good setting on the high speed needle valve and you...